In our third and final film now in production, we explore how magnetic fields, sound and vibration can influence the biology of plants, animals and humans.

Tesla’s high frequency apparatus machines were capable of producing a wide range of electromagnetic frequencies that were used to supply electricity to the patients. However, he often gave demonstrations in his laboratory that produced physical vibrations inside the human body and felt that it was a good way to increase blood circulation inside the organs and remove waste products form the digestive system. To accomplish this, patients stood on an oscillating plate that shook the body.

The sound spectrum is referred to as a range of frequencies that travel in waves of vibrating air molecules that we can hear with our ears. When sound touches our eardrums, they vibrate and create tiny electric currents which then travel to our brain. We hear the frequency of the sound with our ears, but when the vibrating air molecules are absorbed by our body, the various cells will then resonate with the frequency and intensity of the sound. Healing with music happens via sound vibrations the ears and in the body.

For example, connoisseurs of music prefer to listen to analog records instead of digital CD’s because they like the way the sound feels. The key word is “feels.”  Analog vinyl records contain waves or grooves that move a needle that is connected to a magnetic coil of wire in the pickup cartridge. That movement creates electricity which is then amplified and sent to a coil of wire in a speaker to move the air in the room. The entire signal path remains as an analog wave.

Digital sound is produced by computer bits of one and zeros – numbers that try to reproduce the analog sound wave shape. Most people can’t tell the difference between analog and digital sound, however, seasoned musicians and record producers can feel the difference because the wave shapes of analog and digital sound are have a different subtle effect on our body.  They say analog sound feels warmer. Music therapists believe orchestra conductors live long healthy lives because they are surrounded by live analog acoustic music instruments that physically vibrate the body.

To understand how wave shapes effect the body, we visit the Moog factory that create analog music synthesizers to see how they are made and then interview August Worley, the head engineer of the Moog Voyager synthesizer. August teaches for the Bob Moog School of Music where students learn how the various frequencies and sound waves shapes effect your body.

We explore the use of fused quartz crystal singing bowls that are used for “sound bath ceremonies.” The audience lays on yoga mats that are situated close to fused quartz singing bowls that produce a piezoelectric field when the bowls are resonated.

Music can also be used to treat Alzheimer patients to bring them out of their dementia. We visit the Alzheimer Society of Toronto to learn about their music project that use music to improve memory in patients that suffer from dimentia.  Chairs that contain speakers that vibrate with a 40 hertz acoustic tone can also reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer disease.

Ultrasound can not be heard with our ears but when HIFU – High Intensity Foucused ultrasound transducers are focussed on tumours – these sound waves can destroy the cancer and leave the healthy tissue intact.

We duplicate the research of Cleve Baxter, a CIA polygraph expert that used plants for research in extra sensory perception.  In our laboratory we expose plants to sound, music, light and magnetic fields and then document how they effect the growth of plants.